

Creation and Cubism

Creativity and practicality are the two major factors of good design. George Kneller said, “Creativity, as has been said, consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know…Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” One of the past teacher also said that there isn’t anything new in graphic design, all the things that we can think of were done already. However, it is upon the designer to discover the best solution for each problem. Instead of an inventor, designers are problem solver. Designer solve problem by first have a constructive questioning, a rational reasoning on matters and things. We, as students, are also train to have rational thinking on the things we do. This reasoning helps us to see things differently. We first cut the matters into pieces so that we can digest it and reproduce something fresh, something more suitable for the problems or matters. This questioning does not limited on graphic design or art related matters. This reasoning applies to everything around us, too. When I was reviewing my notes, I came across of this that I wrote it somewhere in a past. The procedure of designing or solving design problem it is very much similar to the idea of Cubism. When the cubists broken down the object and reassemble it in multitude of perspectives, the designer is doing the same thing. The designer first broke down the problem into pieces, than exam the problem in different viewpoints. While the cubist is considering incorporating the background into the foreground, the designer is considering other factors related to the problem and so on. It is very interesting how design related to Cubism.

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